Día 3 – Split

El tercer día trabajamos en la sede de la Agencia lo siguiente:

Team development (Crear equipo):

• Make a strong team: developing and improving soft skills within the office;

• The importance of soft skills when working with learners;

• 5 vital soft skills in daily operations;

• Workshop: conducted by an expert (e.g. psychologist) whose goal is to discuss these 5 soft skills in depth or a relevant topic of their own choosing.

Nine steps towards a creative school

1. Create an agenda for change

2. Set a creative tone

3. Resource for creativity

4. Prioritise pedagogies for creativity

5. Promote formative assessment that stimulates and recognises creativity

6. Influence teacher attitudes to their creativity

7. Nurture and grow creative leaders

8. Develop a school-wide creative professional learning community

9. Connect with the wider learning eco-system

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